It's almost inevitable that a property investor will encounter a problem with their property at some point, even if not at the outset.

With our many years of experience in the property investment field, we identify the problem, and implement the solution. Many pitfalls can be avoided, by applying the knowledge and experience we’ve gained over the years.

We’re more emotionally detached from the issues than the property investor, enabling us to take a more objective perspective.

We’re not lawyers, but we do get results, usually without costly legal or court costs. If we don’t believe we can help, and we believe a lawyer is needed, we’ll tell you so. If required, we’ll recommend or source a lawyer, and handle all communications with them on your behalf.

A very small sample of the problems we've resolved for our clients:

Letting agent issues a property investor came to us with concerns about his letting agent. No nett rents received for eight months or more, no property inspections carried out, no rental statements showing whether rents had been paid by the tenant, maintenance work to the property not carried out, and serious lack of communication with the landlord. We investigated the issues, terminated the agreement with the letting agent, appointed an alternative letting agent, sourced and instructed a lawyer to evict the existing tenant, organised an estate agent to handle the sale of the property following the tenant’s departure.

Rectifying a sub-standard refurbishment to eight leasehold apartments in one building the property investors who contacted us had been duped by an unscrupulous property developer, leaving them with half-finished and non-compliant properties. We liaised and negotiated with the freeholder and other leaseholders, to have a full survey of the building undertaken. Once a Schedule of Works had been produced, and costs agreed, we set up a project plan with timelines and milestones, to ensure the refurbishment was correctly completed, to budget.

Missing nett rental receipts from a co-operative rental scheme a property investor asked us to reconcile his rental income against the letting agent’s data, for the previous four years. We found some rental income hadn’t been paid to the landlord, and liaised with the letting agent to resolve this.

Recovery of deposits paid for purchase of off-plan properties a number of property investors came to us for help in recovering deposits they’d paid to a developer, for off-plan properties that hadn’t materialised. We were able to negotiate the return of 80% of the deposit for each investor, without incurring any legal fees for the investors.